Paolo Orlandi: A vortical and turbulent life
19th-20th September 2014
Centro Congressi Villa Mondragone
Monteporzio Catone
The Conference aims at celebrating Paolo Orlandi's pioneering
career in computational fluid mechanics and his long lasting and
inspiring accomplishments as scientists and mentor.

Venue: Villa Mondragone Via Frascati 51, 00040, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma.
Ph: +39069401941

Banquet: Hotel Villa Vecchia Via Frascati 49, 00040, Monte Porzio Catone, Roma.
Ph: +390694340096
The Program (with pdf of the talks and pictures of the speakers)

A Selection of Photos

Paolo's Speech at the Banquet

Organizing Committee and Contacts
Roberto Verzicco (University of Roma "Tor Vergata"), verzicco@uniroma2.it
Sergio Pirozzoli (University of Roma "Sapienza"), sergio.pirozzoli@uniroma1.it
Stefano Leonardi (University of Texas, Dallas), Stefano.Leonardi@utdallas.edu
Page maintained by: verzicco@uniroma2.it